The job is Program Supervisor (Administration Supervisor) for a Refugee Employment Project. The other Supervisor is supervising the Job team, he supervises most of the staff out at 4 centers, my job is the paperwork side of things, most at headquarters. (I got this job.)
5 minutes brainstorming about what I might talk about in a cover letter to apply for this job.
- speak some Spanish, French, and Filipino
- grew up with Asians
- worked with Asian and Haitian refugees as Intern/job
- some experience in coordination (low level management) at Catholic Charities
- Eagle Scout
- career aim in charities work
- worked at McDonalds and Thrifty Drug Store (a chain, three stores)
- Ast Manager at two small drug stores
- pay not a big deal, just enough
- considering MPA, but not quite ready to start
- I know people at Catholic Charities, and the partner agencies across LA/Ventura/Santa Barbara Counties
- I write well, do grant-writing and ghostwriting
- comfortable in a tie
- long hours no problem (but don't love mornings)
- have a car and driver's license
- trained secretaries and tutor English
- comfortable in places where I don't understand the language
- I'm Catholic
- I like problems (finding solutions, include library and practical research)
- I like working with young student part-timers
- I can type pretty well
- I can fix some equipment sometimes
- I know the organizational environment (key people, policies, and neighborhood)
- worked in flower shop, mostly as driver, in San Diego (different city)
- quick thinker
- good public speaker
The next challenge is deciding which of these might be useful for a particular job application, which are less useful, and which might be dangerous!